>Sacred Vibes Apothecary - Herbs and Teas

>Anyone who has spoken to me for more than ten minutes knows, that my dream for my future include an herbal apothecary in the middle of the community in which I live. Well, I am standing in the midst of my future. Two weeks ago after praying that my segmented self morph into a whole. I found the spot where this could happen, visions of my herbal apothecary spun in my head. And even before I reached home, I had already called my partner and closest cohort, to let them know that I had found the spot for Sacred. They both had lived through years of dreaming so their response was GREAT!!! Just what I needed to hear. I began to put the plan into effect that I had written down to the finest detail over the years. And so began the building of Sacred.

What pleases me so about this plan is the location. Sacred will be located in Flatbush, a diverse community of immigrants, Brooklyn natives and many who have relocated from Manhattan. This neighborhood is truly a melting pot. I have found, that no matter our heritage, the use of plants in the healing our people is not foreign; using plants as they were intended, nature's gifts. It is this commonality of purpose which connects us all.

More specifically, Sacred is located in the Ditmas Park section of East Flatbush, just down the Street from where 25 years ago, I was a newly immigrated junior high student. I am on Argyle Road, just off of Cortelyou. If you pass by my spot today its not much to look at today, but please stay with us for our big reveal!