>Beautiful Skin - For 2010 and Beyond

> Winter is here and the battle to keep our skin looking supple and radiant is on! We all want to look our best, especially for holiday parties! To combat the drying effects of wind and artificial heat we need to keep our homes moist and your skin will be. Put a humidifier in your bedroom, and keep the door close to keep the moisture in. This does wonders for your skin, I can personally testify to this simple remedy. To help combat the itch and dryness even further you might considering keeping your home on the cool side, heat sucks out the moisture in our homes and skin. Your skin tends to be less itchy when kept on the cool side. And watch those showers, the rule should be, bathe when you are dirty, for less time and use cooler water! Use soaps that are not drying and are made from natural products such as coconut oil and coco butter. Even drying off the proper way can help, its best to only damp dry, get the water off then stop! Next lubricate often - use a moisturizer made with wholesome oils (coconut, jojoba, hemp, etc.) right after bath to hold moisture in. Sacred has many natural oils infused with a variety of herbs to help your skin stay moisturized and feeling and looking good.

With all the above being said, Sacred's mission is to heal the outside from the inside therefore along with following the above tips, we must remember to drink lots of water or your favorite caffeine free herbal teas so our skin is hydrated from the inside out. Sacred Beautiful Skin Tea promises to do that and much more. Check out our feature on Brokelyn http://www.brokelyn.com/25-and-under-brooklyn-gift-23-beautiful-skin-tea/.
Thank you to most of all to our customers who come weekly to stock up on this tea and to Brokelyn for their feature. This tea gives you beautiful skin by providing a light body detox to rid you of toxins. More on detox to come soon.
Come in and try our entire line of products to improve your skin.