Yoni Culture - Vaginal odor and discharge, bacterial vaginosis and recurring yeast infections


Yoni Culture - An all natural approach to vaginal odor and discharge, bacterial vaginosis and recurring yeast infections

Is your digestive health directly related to your vaginal health? You bet! Bacterial Vaginosis, Recurring Yeast Infections and Vaginal Odor are directly related to your digestive process. Assimilation of vitamins and minerals especially the vitamin B spectrum and vitamin C is of vital importance to the health digestive system. A healthy digestive system produces the necessary digestive enzymes to breakdown our food, and aid with absorption and elimination. These enzymes are responsible for keeping the small intestine free from parasites (including bacteria, yeast and parasitic worms.)When any of these processes are off we are plagued with toxins that create health issues such as mal-absorption, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, chronic Candida, an overgrowth of harmful bacteria leading to bacterial and yeast infections. The second aspect to maintaining optimal vaginal health, is the health of our immune system. Once again here, vitamins under the B spectrum and vitamin C are indicated for immunity building and to helping us manage stress which wears away at the body's immune functions.

Yoni Culture is a product that is based on an highly nutritive, all natural approach, that will improve the way in which we digestive nutrients and vitamins, and benefits our elimination. We have also included herbs are supportive to the immune system and that have anti-fungal properties. Want to know more? Click the link below for more information.

Yoni Culture - An all natural approach to vaginal odor and discharge, bacterial vaginosis and recurring yeast infections