Cleanse Package
Cleanse Package
LIVER DETOXIFIER & REJUVENATOR (LIVER ALONG TIME): Yellowdock, Dandelion, Licorice, Burdock Roots, Lycii and Schizandra Berries. A formula to detoxify, cleanse and nourish the liver. Useful for digestion, acne, cysts, tumors, and inflammation.
LYMPH AND BLOOD CLEANSER TINCTURE: Violet, Chaparral, Cleavers, Nettle, Dandelion, Peppermint, Red Clover, Calendula, Yarrow. A formula to cleanse the blood and the lymph. Useful for cancer, tumors, acne, cysts and inflammation.
X-PARASITES: Wormwood, Clove, Black Walnut, Pau D'ArcoA formula to rid the body of parasites. Take as a first aid when traveling.
FLUSH OUT COLON CLEANSER: Cascara Sagrada Bark, Senna Pods, Yellowdock, Burdock & Ginger Roots, Fennel Seed, Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey. A cleansing tonic for the colon. Can be used seasonally or when in need of a cleanse.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY TONIC (GOLDEN TONIC): Devil's Claw, Turmeric, Ginger & Dandelion Roots, Garlic and Cayenne Pepper. Prevent and remove inflammation, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, increase weight loss, stop yeast and fungus growth, prevent infection and balance blood sugar 8oz
THE CLEANSE PACKAGE: For a full body cleanse! This package contains all of the above products to assist you in rejuvenating your entire body. Liver Detoxifier and Rejuvenator, Lymph and Blood Cleanse Tincture, X-Parasites, Flush Out Colon Cleanser, and our AntiInflammatory Tonic