Reclaim Fibroids Package (PRE-ORDER restocks 1/31)
Reclaim Fibroids Package (PRE-ORDER restocks 1/31)
SACRED WOMB TEA: Nettle, Red Raspberry, Lady’s Mantle, Peppermint Leaves, Oatstraw and White Oak Bark. A toning and nourishing tea for womb health. Can be used for fibroids and heavy bleeding.
LIVER AND HORMONAL BALANCING TINCTURE: Burdock, Yellowdock, Wild Yam, Oregon Grape Root, Ginger Root and Chaste Tree Berries. A formula to balance the hormones, cleanse and support the liver.
WOMB CLEANSE TINCTURE: Blessed Thistle, Crampbark, Motherwort, Goldenseal, Squawvine, Selfheal and Yarrow. A formula to cleanse the womb of cysts and fibroids and to prepare for fertility.
FIBROID & CYSTS YONI STEAM: Chickweed, Myrrh, Yarrow, White Oak Bark, Plantain and Cleavers. A formula to assist the body with moving stagnation through the Uterus and Pelvic Area.
Tone and Nourish your womb completely, by addressing hormone balancing and liver support.